Dog and Cat Vaccinations in Monroeville, PA
We ask owners to have their pet vaccinated on a regular basis to ensure a long healthy life. Vaccines protect pets against viruses and diseases, some of which can be fatal, by preparing the body’s immune system to fight off any foreign bacteria or viruses. During pet exams, we typically administer or update any necessary vaccines. Some vaccines are considered “core” due to their importance for all pets. Others are chosen for your pet’s activity level and general lifestyle. Schedules for dog and cat vaccinations are varied, so we make these recommendations on a case-by-case basis. Visit us for your pet’s vaccine plan soon.
Is your cat or dog due for vaccinations? Call us at 412-373-8580 today!
Canine Influenza
The canine influenza virus (CIV) has two primary strains, H3N8 and H3N2, that are highly contagious among dogs. In fact, most if not all dogs that come into contact with CIV will be infected. The best way to keep your pet healthy and prevent CIV from spreading is to have them vaccinated. Protecting our patients against risks is important to us. Therefore, we offer the Zoetis H3N2 and H3N8 canine flu vaccines.
Signs that your dog may have CIV include sneezing, coughing, fever, lethargy and nasal discharge. Afterward, we may advise they be quarantined if they have a positive diagnosis. Additionally, you can disinfect any contaminated surfaces and wash your hands regularly to keep CIV from spreading to any other dogs in your home.
Dog Vaccinations:
- Rabies
- DHPPC (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus, and coronavirus)
- Bordetella
- Canine Influenza
- Lyme
- Leptospirosis
Cat Vaccinations:
- Rabies
- FVRCPC (feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia, and chlamydophila)
- FeLV (feline leukemia)
Call Northern Pike Veterinary Hospital at 412-373-8580 to book your cat or dog’s vaccination appointment!