My Cat is Yowling in Monroeville, PA, what are They Telling Me?

Cats that are yowling or making very loud noises can be hard to share space with. What is worse is that you might not know if they are making these noises because they are in some form of distress. Decoding the reasons for cat noises of all kinds can be difficult, but there are some common reasons that cats may make certain sounds.

If your cat is yowling and making loud noises all the time, you might be worried about them. The reasons for yowling can be variable, but you might be able to tell if your cat is showing other symptoms that might be cause for concern. Cat yowling or howling can be upsetting for you to listen to, and you should take this behavior seriously as it can be a sign of other health problems that need to be managed.

Cat yowling in Moneroeville, PA

Why Do Cats Yowl?

A cat can yowl for a variety of reasons. It can be hard to tell which of these are the reason for your cat’s noisy behavior, so you might have to start paying attention to their overall behavior to look for other clues about why they are acting this way.

Worry or Discomfort

Cats that are in pain or are scared can yowl. This is the most common reason that cats will yowl, and your cat might need to go to the veterinarian to rule out serious health concerns if they are yowling and seem fearful. Cats that will not allow you to touch them might be painful in some way, or your cat might be experiencing internal distress that is not painful but is still upsetting. Ruling out medical reasons for this behavior is often key to resolving the problem.

Being Territorial

When cats feel like their space or their safety is being impinged upon, they might yowl or howl to tell other cats or animals to leave them alone. This can happen when cats are moved to a new place or when the windows are open, and they can hear or smell other animals outside your home. If you get a new pet, your cat might also make this kind of noise to tell the other cat not to bother them.

Mating Behavior

Howling or yowling can be directly linked with mating behavior in cats as well. Cats that are looking for another cat to mate with can be very noisy, and cats of either sex might disrupt all the peace in your home during mating season. This is one of the key reasons that people get their cats spayed or neutered, and you might want to get your cat neutered or spayed if you are struggling with this kind of noisy behavior.


Some cats are naturally very vocal, and if you have a Siamese or a related breed, your cat might make a lot of noise all day long just because they enjoy making sounds when they are bored. Some breeds of cat can be quite talkative, and they might use this kind of noise to fill the silence in your home when they are feeling bored or lonely.

Dementia or Dysfunction

If your cat is older or has suffered an injury to the head or the face, they might be making this noise due to dementia or a brain issue. You should make sure that any cat that is showing this symptom along with a head tilt, lack of coordination, or vomiting sees the vet right away.

What Can I Do to Make my Cat Stop Yowling?

Cats that yowl can be hard to share space with. For many owners, this can be an exhausting cat behavior that interrupts their sleep and their ability to focus on other things during the daytime. If your cat is yowling due to a medical condition, your vet will be able to apply treatment for this issue. If the problem is not medical, you will need to start exploring ways to make your cat feel better about its living conditions.

Providing cats with toys or a scratching tree to play on can be a big benefit for animals that are bored. Sometimes getting another kitten or cat can be a big help as well, since cats often prefer to have company at home with them, particularly if there are no other pets in the house. You might also need to deal with territorial behavior by moving the litter box or the feeding location to a place where your cat feels safe and like they can take care of necessary behaviors each day in peace.

Sometimes reorganizing the house is important for cats to feel safe and secure, and your pet will thank you for taking the time to make their living space more comfortable.

Cat Yowling Can be Manageable

There are many reasons for your cat’s yowling behavior that can be linked to your cat’s environment, their spay or neuter status, emotional distress related to a new pet in the home or other challenges. You should always be sure that your pet is not in medical distress before you assume that your pet is just being noisy due to worry or stress over a change of living location or the addition of a new animal to the home.

Cat yowling that is not linked to a medical issue might take a little time to resolve, or it could be episodic. If you have a Siamese or another vocal breed of cat, you might also need to be prepared for them to make this kind of noise all the time just because they like to hear their own voices. Some cats are noisier than others, and you might not be able to completely stop your cat from making more noise than you would like. In most cases, there are good reasons for your cat’s noisy behavior, and it can be possible to limit the yowling behavior of many cats.

Need to talk with a vet about your cat’s yowling in Monroeville, PA? Call 412-373-8580 to talk with your veterinarian at Northern Pike Veterinary Hospital!